Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Joe Scarborough: John Boehner 'Not The Hardest Worker,' Bar Hopper (VIDEO)

What's the shock? The supposed leaders of the GOP are complainers not problem solvers, or wish to govern. From Boehner to the radio show idiots Rusky, Savage & Hannity. Always complaining but never coming up with solutions. They are probably afraid to be ridiculed or possibly just possibly have NO opinions.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Specter Gets Frustrated With Kagan: These Hearings Haven't Been Substantive (VIDEO)

By his comments it should now be evident that Senator Specter was a DINO & only in it for self serving purposes; and that was only to save his job. I am happy to say I did not support this backstabbing so called Democrat. He has certainly made fools of Obama - Rendell and the rest of the Democratic heirarchy who trusted this man. This long time Republican senator who said he turn to Democrat was because he knew he would lose as a Republican. Coward... Stick with the true Democrats from now on. This should convince those who did support that phony Specter that Joe Sestack is the real deal.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Why Does Trig Matter? - The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan

Why Does Trig Matter? - The Daily Dish By Andrew Sullivan

Please Sarah - come clean... Stop fooling the fools...

New Palin Legal Defense Fund: Ethics Complaints Against Illegal Fund Just Part Of A 'Massive Witch Hunt'

Sure make $12million dollars and ask people to give their hard earned money, in bad economic times to bail out your legal problems. Some say that Sarah is a dumb broad but I feel she is as sly as a fox. The dummies are those who think that she will lead them to the promise land. She will take you there if you happen to buy her idiotic book; oh that's right she bought most of them; or have donated to her bogus defense fund. People should wake up who seriously follow her to hear her incoherent speechs at $75 - $100K a babble. Granted she is entertainment - but not worth a penny..... As a matter of fact if giving a penny for her thoughts - she needs to give you change.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Who is defending BP?

To those who for some reason of another are defending BP actions should be put into a padded cell. This is a company with more violations then the number one scofflaw in a major city as New York or Philadelphia. This company has no regard for the well being of the people or communities whose territory it exploits.
What is happening now in the Gulf is just a repeat of what BP was somewhat responsible for years ago in Alaska under the guise of the Exxon Valdez mishap. Even though Exxon was the company name on the tanker it was BP's job to contain the spill. Apparently they didn't know then and still don't know how to contain a spill. They are pretty much the Madoff of the oil drilling industry. Mr. Madoff was an investment advisor who really didn't invest and BP is an oil drilling who doesn't know the proper way of how to drill. Both were just looking at what their profit would be ..... Money first... People way last....
Listen to the following interview with Greg Palast; who has been investigating BP since the Valdezs incident. Why are we not hearing this on the main stream newscasts....

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Tea Party Calls Chris Matthews Documentary A 'Left-Wing Hit Piece,' Urges Hardball Sponsors To Boycott

Isn't it amazing that the far right believes that freedom of speech only pertains to them. Rusky Limbaugh can say some of the most teasonous statements about President Obama they feel it is OK and they have to right to say them of according to freddom of speech I would guess they do. But when a true journalist like Chris Matthews unvails the intersanctums of the Tea Partiers the pitch a fit. They claim to be for the democratic way - but when they are critized the only way for them is totalitarian/dictatorship.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Where is the anger at the top?

It is about time that we see some shoe banging on the podium anger from Pres. Obama. I know it is not a normal thing for him to do but sometimes a person has to break away from the ordinary just to keep people on their toes. If Pres. Obama was an actor he would be typecast as the same calm character all the time. If it is one thing that most actors complain about - is it that of being typecast. Getting the same parts all the time could be quite lucrative; if that is all you want; but if you want to expand you have to break out of the mold you created.

If Pres. Obama wants to be known as the most powerful man in the world then at time he has to put the hammer down and act like it. Americans want to have a "Make my day" type of line to come out of their leader. Not that we want to be a world wide bully; but just because we are still a superpower we shouldn't be a pushover because we don't want to show our muscles.

The mess with BP is such a time that our muscles should be flexed and Pres. Obama is the one who should be doing that. So far no penalties have been imposed on what BP is doing to our country and countrymen and women. Sure there are projections that they will lose money in the long run; but if we don't punish them they will come back and become richer then ever. Where is the call for a countrywide boycott of BP from some of our leaders? Why not have them expelled from doing business in the USA? Why don't our leaders demand that all BP affiliates be able to change their affiliation without recourse?

All of this sounds harsh? Well tell that to the people of the Gulf Cost as their livelihoods and quality of life is hampered. I don't want my leaders to give BP the benefit of the doubt. I don't want my leaders to say after all this time that BP is doing its best. I don't want sympathy for a huge conglomerate for ruining our Gulf Coast. What do I want? Like everyone else - I want them to take care of it..... given an ultimatum.... fix it or we fix it and get out of town....

We have serious problems in this country and need serious people to handle them. Get tough Pres. Obama..... This is your Katrina right now and your proving to be lacking it getting the problem solved just as your predecessor did. Don't worry that if you bang your fist on the table or raise your voice or act like not like a bully but as a leader protecting us from a bully; your followers will still follow you and respect you even more. We voted for you to do the right thing..... BP did this to us..... It is your job Mr. President to stop them..... Yesterday.